Thursday, August 1, 2024

Welcome August, Summer's On


Ah, after the festivities with summer we continue our summer!

Olaf doesn't realize he's being separated, not impaled 
this time!

So hot even a bear will go to every length to stay cool 
and refreshed.  He can have the horse trough or any pool.

As summer is in full swing,  something in the back of our minds
knows the days grow shorter after Midsummer's Day.

One more road trip coming up, see the sights and places on your list.

Grab a coffee or more on the way. A caffienated driver is better
than a sleepy one.

If you have no place to go, have unlimited cheer and coffee or tea with 
us!  This is the place, the same site always open 24/7. What happens here
stays here!

As a creative person would say,

Bring your journal or sketchpad.  Draw that first flower, 
or write about it. Is it lonely, or with many other flowers?

Is it in the forest or in a meadow?

My story is nearing the finish.  Finally at the Epilogue, or the final thought, speech of my main character.  His task was complete, but there is another to move on to the next trilogy. I have the 4th book outlined so far.

Research is essential, or readers will pick up on that.

Wizard of Oz...nostalgic and takes us away

No matter where you go....

Keep on with your projects, stay busy and focused 
no matter what.  Be calm in the storm, be focused
and live, live well in health and wellness and spirit!

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