Friday, April 15, 2022

Words & Brush Weekender: Easy listening music and chat, Friday 15th April 2022, Free Choice - all genres of music welcome!

Easy listening music and chat, Friday 15th April 2022, Free Choice - all genres of music welcome!

Enjoy some good music here on Words & Brush, its your free choice so please post any of your favorite music of all genres!

Miley Cyrus - The Backyard Sessions - "Jolene"

Ghost Riders In the Sky - American Outlaws

Ricky Nelson- Poor Little Fool

"Orange Blossom Special" - Roy Clark & Jimmy Henley

LULU - Singing Shout from Ready Steady Go 1965

Céline Dion - My Heart Will Go On

Andrea Bocelli - Can't Help Falling In Love 

Nat King Cole - Unforgettable

Matt Monro - Love is a many splendored thing

"I Will Always Love You" Linda Ronstadt

The Cascades Rhythm of the Falling Rain

Mike Brant - Laisse moi t'aimer


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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Words & Brush Recipe Corner: Homemade Fish & Chips


Homemade Fish & Chips

By   Chef Jean-Pierre


For the Chips:

  • About 1 Large Potato per person
  • Salt

For the Fish Batter:

  • 24 ounces White Fish like Cod, Halibut, Tilapia, Bass, Grouper (or whatever is available in your market)
  • 4 ounces All-Purpose Flour
  • 4 ounces Rice Flour
  • 3 ounces very fine Corn Meal
  • 2 tablespoons Corn Starch
  • 2 tablespoons Baking Powder
  • 1 tablespoon Creole Seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon Salt
  • 1 bottle of Beer



  • Cut the potatoes into perfect julienne (as per video) rinse under water until the water comes out clear, arrange them into a cookie sheet and place in the fridge or the freezer for about 1 hour until very cold.

First Fry:  Preheat the Vegetable Oil to 280ºF/137ºC  

  • Fry your fries for about 10 minutes until light golden brown. Remove them from the oil and refrigerate  for another 60 to 90 minutes (or as long as you need) until real cold.

Second Fry: Preheat the Vegetable Oil to 365 ÂºF /185 ÂºC  

  • Dip the fries a second time until golden brown.


  • Mix all the dry ingredients and add the beer until you have the consistency of a thick pancake batter. Mix well to make sure you do not have lumps.


    Preheat Vegetable Oil to 365 ÂºF /185 ÂºC

    • Dredge the fish in cornstarch or tapioca powder to dry it and dip in the batter.  Remove excess batter and dip in the hot oil.

    For more instructions check out the video


    This page was posted by Sputnik One of the Sputniks Orbit blog

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    Monday, April 11, 2022

    April Open thread

     Now it maybe time to plant and start on spring cleaning.  


    Any hour of the morning is coffee or tea time, join us!  Tell us where you are on your project. Are you happy where it's going?

    Some stories and movies you wish would just keep going, 

    I always wonder what happened and the story was just left open ended.

    After coffee the gears start churning to get to first tasks of the day.

    And this month is spring break for many.  Whether it's the beach, pizza or the mountains or just a staycation works just find t6o recharge.

    Go out for seafood at that little restaurant on the beach everyone is talking about.

    Remember the nutritional content and the zinc and selenium with omegas in seafood will help recharge the mind and body to write that big important story as it should be written.  Don't forget to read a good book!

    Of course  many are homebound but put this on and through the night, very relaxing to take you away for awhile.

    In the meantime keep on journaling!

    Sunday, April 10, 2022

    Creativity Corner: Great Projects Take Time

    So you have been working on something.  It's a spark, your spark that you let simmer and keep coming back to.

    Sometimes an artist needs inspiration.  First it starts with
    Coffee to start the morning.  Heck, work in jammies all day. 

    Freewriting and a friend that's joined in to inspire.  Getting a feel which scene to write next,
    even though the book is outlined in pencil to modify as I go.

    Sometimes we let things simmer as we 
    Snooze. Our Tazzy dreams of carrots 
    For his treats in his sleep. 

    A piece of art or literary work in progress will be revised, reworded,
    switched around. Somethings are good to omit./

    We express ourselves in ways that are
    a gift to others.

    An artist is not finished until it is
    done.  It's almost like interior decorating.
    Finding the right color or pattern. 

    Even in a literary piece or a movie, keep the fun!

    Such an Aragon thing to do!

    If you express your work like a movie that goes on in your mind, 
    it's all good.    Each day get further ahead and a sense of accomplishment.
    I make small reachable goals, but surprise myself doing more and finishing strong at the end of 
    the day.

    Most of all, trust in God