So you have been working on something. It's a spark, your spark that you let simmer and keep coming back to.
Sometimes an artist needs inspiration. First it starts with
Coffee to start the morning. Heck, work in jammies all day.

Freewriting and a friend that's joined in to inspire. Getting a feel which scene to write next,
even though the book is outlined in pencil to modify as I go.
Sometimes we let things simmer as we
Snooze. Our Tazzy dreams of carrots
For his treats in his sleep.
A piece of art or literary work in progress will be revised, reworded,
switched around. Somethings are good to omit./
We express ourselves in ways that are
a gift to others.
An artist is not finished until it is
done. It's almost like interior decorating.
Finding the right color or pattern.
Even in a literary piece or a movie, keep the fun!
Such an Aragon thing to do!
If you express your work like a movie that goes on in your mind,
it's all good. Each day get further ahead and a sense of accomplishment.
I make small reachable goals, but surprise myself doing more and finishing strong at the end of
the day.
Most of all, trust in God
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