Good afternoon writers and artists. I hope you had a good week and looking forward to closing Friday with a good meal or movie etc.
I would like to extent my overwhelming thanks to our best contributor, Mick Williams. He has kept on with the change since Disqus ended our channels. I do like this change, most definitely. Sometimes we have to get through that hoop.
Continuing with editing book 2, and it is going well. Sometimes I run into a plot jam mashed into the chapters and I think, whoa. Maybe a bit more detail and slowing down the action in this part as I compare it to Rambo? He was a solitary warrior. My current character is sent off to be killed off in a natural enclosure, surrounded by limestone 20 ft high, with spikes on the top and not much to climb on. My character survives for a long time to which the enemy thinks he would be a great asset to their army.
Do you have a plot jam? I highly recommend free writing to get clear the static and it helps the flow or get out of writer's block. There are no rules to freewriting. You just write what's on your mind even if you are bored with the process of it.
What are ways you find your way out of writer's block?
Have a great evening!
Have you ever had writer’s block? Then you will enjoy today’s blog post by Mari McCarthy, author of Heal Your Self with Journaling Power. Mari offers three easy strategies on how to deal with writer’s block and get back on track. Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

When you were starting as a writer, you might have thought writer’s block was something you would outgrow. Now you know better. That dreaded invisible barrier that traps brilliant ideas and keeps them hostage from the page isn’t just for newbie writers. It’s something we all struggle with from time to time.
So why does writer’s block strike when you least expect it? Here are a few reasons:
- You’re feeling anxious or insecure about your work
- You’ve lost momentum or focus on your project
- You’re tired, distracted or bored
- Your high expectations and perfectionism are hindering your progress
If you’re experiencing one or many of these sources of writer’s block, know that this situation is only temporary. You can and will overcome it. Think of these strategies as a toolbox you can use the next time you get stuck.
Switch Gears
If you’ve been laboring over the same paragraph for the last hour, give your brain a break. Move your body or get some fresh air – by stretching, doing yoga poses, or taking a walk. Then come back and write something completely different than what you were working on earlier. Brainstorm new ideas or dust off an old draft. Return to your original project with new energy.
Face your fear
Another name I use for writer’s block is “page fright.” It is often rooted in fear, though it can reveal itself in different ways – like perfectionism, self-criticism, anxiety, and stress. But if you hide from your fear and pretend it’s not there, it only gets stronger. When you face your fear and give it a name, you take back control. In a journal or notebook, write, “I am afraid…” at the top of a new page, and jot down anything you think of, no matter how silly or off the wall it seems. Just defining that you are afraid of failure or judgment helps you chip away at the page fright.
Write through the block
Do a short sprint of writing to hurdle your stumbling blocks and build up creative momentum. Set a timer for a few minutes, and commit to writing the entire time – no distractions or breaks. Then write! Keep going until the timer sounds, and celebrate this small but important victory.