Saturday, August 31, 2019

Contributors wanted

Have something to contribute? It's easy peasy.  We need at least four more to make this blog successful.  All it takes is having a gmail account, we send you an email invite and you are all set to make up your discussions and post.   I know it's a bit different than what it used to be, but this is the BEST way to send out the word.  Whatever is your interest in art, writing, books, or what you like about a particular artist make it into a post. It's very easy.    The email invite is a on time then you can post more than one posts.  You are set to go.   Blogger is different, but in a good way.  You click on a moderator's profile, then get the email and send them an email to be invited.  It's not hard.

There are so many topics out there on writing and art.  They compliment each other.  If you want to post on more than one blog, you will need another invite from Mr.Write then you are all set. It's like our own little club.  What we hope to happen is to generate the creativity and support.  If you are an artist or a writer, post a question so that someone in the field can lend their expertise.

Once you are in our group, it's just the beginning to the change.